Unlock Your Financial
DNA the ADHD Way

Money management designed with Gen-X ADHDers in mind, who find it challenging and boring, but are ready to create a new financial reality and go from money chaos to mastery by learning to work with their brain's natural strengths.


Zarina Boily

ADHD & Money Archétypes® coach

''The Universe will not send 1 million dollars if the 1000 dollars in your bank account are not managed wisely.''

When it comes to money, sooner or later there’s a wake-up call that happens for each of us.
Mine came with that 1 million-dollar sentence and from that moment, I realized that  acquiring efficient skills, developing new habits and putting an end to a toxic relationship with money was the only way to improve my financial situation and create financial stability and peace of mind.


What if managing money was empowering instead of making you feel insecure, stressed and frustrated?

Unlock Your Financial DNA


Are you ready to get rid of unconscious money blocks and start fresh on a path of creating freedom, independence and a healthy relationship with money?

Because if money blocks like these have taken control of your life, it’s time to do something about it:

  • Avoiding looking at your bank account or ‘dealing with money’
  • Making “just enough” to get by, no matter how successfully your career or your business is going
  • Feeling resentment about wealthy people, believing their focus on money is unhealthy
  • Stressed out by the endless squabbles you and your spouse/partner have about money
  • Being secretive about money as a way of feeling safe and in control

Discover how ADHD gets in the way and work with your brain's natural strengths

When you understand your unique wiring and realize that your brain is brilliant, not broken, you begin perceiving yourself and your challenges differently.

ADHD traits really do get in the way of our ability to manage money, but that doesn't mean we can't become efficient at it.


Learning to manage your finances so you can get them under control and create a new financial reality doesn't have to be a pain for your ADHD brain. 


ADHD traits really do get in the way of our ability to manage money, but that doesn't mean we can't become efficient at it.

Did you know that you CAN get rid of unconscious money blocks and press reset on a fresh money story, starting today? Here’s how …

Within you is a unique “money code” that influences your relationship with money and they are called Sacred Money Archetypes®. Once you discover what YOUR money archetypes are, it will feel as if all the puzzle pieces of your life easily fall into place:

  • You understand what makes you tick when it comes to money (freeing you from negative self –judgment)
  • You discover what your 3 core money strengths are (and how to use them to make more money in your business or career
  • You’re free to make decisions from a place of empowerment, not fear (the freeing quality of relief that you’ll feel will immediately open new opportunities for you)
  • You no longer fall prey to unconscious sabotaging behavior (it’s a blessing to be in control of your life in this way, authentically and easily)

Breaking cycles, appreciating money as a sacred partner and connecting to the unlimited abundance vibration.

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Unlock limiting habits to create a game changer in your relationship with money so you can :

  • Manage your money wisely and diligently and having your financial life under control
  • Price your services/negotiate a raise with confidence to create more abundance in your life
  • Grow your interest for finance management to avoid unpleasant surprises but also and attract awesome financial opportunities 
  • Have conflict-free conversations about money with your spouse/partner to manifest your financial freedom with synergy
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Deconstruct limiting beliefs and money blocks and go from :

  • Money is boring to we can learn to play with it
  • Painful habits can be transformed in something fun
  • Money is restrictive to money is limitless
  • Managing money well is complicated to they are basics that we can understand
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Activate you financial DNA with your Sacred Money Archetypes® and create big shifts by:

  • Working on building a strong mindset
  • Recognizing your value so that it corresponds to your expertise
  • Putting in place actions that will bring you closer to financial freedom
  • Developing your method so you are up to date in managing your finances.
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Reset your story and finances so you can :

  • Build/reinforce your sense of security
  • Attain/amplify your autonomy
  • Achieve/increase your independence
  • Resonate to the frequency of abundance
  • Create financial freedom

Sacred Money Archétypes® allow you to change your vibration, put an end to limiting beliefs and blocks, stop self-sabotage and to start having fun honoring money and finances.

Unlock Your Financial DNA

is meant to help the «HIGHLY» energetic, sensible, creative, intuitive, curious and passionate, that finds it complicated and boring to :

  • Know where money leaks are and how to stop them
  • Discover limiting money beliefs and stories that impact what they earn
  • Identify behaviors and habits that creates disaligment and how to transform them to be in sync with money.

Therefore, YOU are able to :

  • Make decisions easier, be more positive and feel a surge in your self-worth and see an income or salary increase. 
  •  Know how to have open-hearted and productive money conversations.
  • Have more to give because you’ll know what to say yes to, and what to say no to.
  • Feel empowered to make new choices and create more happiness.

And have a positive internal speech :

  • Money is available in abundance to everyone
  • It’s possible to change negative self-talk
  • ADDers are gifted to take care of their finances
  • Play makes the experience easier
  • Money is a means to make a difference in the world and be of service
  • A new money story can be created at any moment
  • Creativity and curiosity are incredible assets to learn how to have fun with money
  • Letting go of lineage's heritage and society’s beliefs opens up on new possibilities.

Zarina Boily - The «ADDERS’» ally

At 40, Zarina Boily found out she lived with a four letter friend called ADHD and became an advocate for those who share this unique brain type.

Her mission, as a certified ADHD coach, is to bring forth the genius in those with this neurodivergence, inspire them to throw out the shackles of society's labels so they can embrace the gift and celebrate their unique mind.


«Knowing my sacred financial archetypes has really opened my eyes on how I manage money and how I consume. I understand better how my personality influences my bank account. It’s a big step for my financial freedom.»

Isabelle Robillard

«Working with Zarina to learn my sacred money archetypes has helped understand my relationship to money in ways I never have before. Since learning about my archetypes, I’m making better decisions about saving and spending. I don’t feel as stressed about money, and I have more confidence making decisions about my finances. I no longer feel overwhelmed and anxious when conversations about money come up. This has been helpful in my business because I can more easily have money conversations with my customers. I recommend working with Zarina, it’s been a wonderful experience.»

Dawn Schliesser

«With my archetypes, I developed the ability to identify and understand their characteristics as well as beliefs around money, which gives me a better perspective on the new possibilities that are available to me.»

Véronique Morissette

Ready to take off the masks that are keeping you from experiencing joy and fun in your relationship with money?


Unlock Your Financial DNA - Exploration
is for you and include:

  • YOUR Sacred Money Archetypes® in a 1-on-1 coaching session. You’ll learn all about your unique strengths and challenges with money, and discover an easy way to get started creating a fresh money story, on the spot.
  • You get 3 incredibly inspiring and highly personal coaching calls with me on how to use the power of your Sacred Money Archetypes® to get rid of unconscious money blocks, and create a new approach to money in your life and business or career.
  • A set of Sacred Money Archetypes® cards. These gorgeous, full color cards show you in vivid detail your strengths, gifts, challenges and more…explaining what makes YOU tick when it comes to money.




In a golden and shimmering packaging, I offer you:

  • A Thêta Healing download to amplify the work we’ll have started in our coaching sessions (80$)
  • The first Chapter of my book A-Bun-Dance 4 Your Finance.

If discovering your archetypes first is more your type 


Unlock Your Financial DNA - Discovery
is for you and include :

  • YOUR Sacred Money Archetypes® in a 45 min 1-on-1 coaching session. You’ll learn all about your unique strengths and challenges with money, and discover an easy way to get started creating a fresh money story, on the spot.
  • A set of Sacred Money Archetypes® cards. These gorgeous, full color cards show you in vivid detail your strengths, gifts, challenges and more…explaining what makes YOU tick when it comes to money.

