Phenomenally ADHD

Phenomenally ADHD

Hosted by: Zarina Boily

A podcast created for and dedicated to women with ADHD (and men too!) to inspire and guide them on their journey with ADHD with a different perspective on what life is and can be when you figure out how your brain...


3 Strategies to Prevent ADHD Shutdown

Season #4 Episode #1

One of the greatest gift one with ADHD can give its uniquely wired brain is a set of habits to take care of it and ensure that challenges remain as less impactful as possible and prevent it from shutting down. ADHD...
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Creating a New ADHD Reality and How it's not Just Wishful Thinking

Season #4 Episode #2

When ADHD has us caught up in the daily ups and downs that challenges create, the thought of a different reality doesn't even cross our minds. Leaning to quiet the noise in our head doesn't seem even possible, let...
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