3 Strategies to Prevent ADHD Shutdown
One of the greatest gift one with ADHD can give its uniquely wired brain is a set of habits to take care of it and ensure that challenges remain as less impactful as possible and prevent it from shutting down.
ADHD paralysis is when you can’t find it in you to accomplish normal activities. It’s temporary, but when it happens, you may be wondering what’s happening or if there is something wrong with you.
When your brain reaches the point of no return, the challenges you you experience on a daily basis intensify: paying attention, task initiation, planning, organizing etc...have gone haywire.
Hit play to discover how ADHD shutdown show up, recognize the signs and care for your brain with easy to implement exercises.
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Download the first chapter of my book A-Bun-Dance 4 Your Finance: Growing Interest About Money Even if you Have ADHD: https://www.zarinaboily.com/a-bun-dance-4-your-finance
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