A Fraught Relationship Between a Mother and a Daughter Who Don't Know Have ADHD

Season #3 Episode #5

Do you have a fraught relationship with your mom with your fair share of arguments, conflicts, misunderstandings, fights, and the chain reaction of negative emotions and trauma?

Zarina sure has, and for the longest time, she wished her mother would change and be what she wanted her to be instead of accepting her as she was.

At 18 years old, she felt that the only way to break free from her complicated and conflictual relationship with her mother was to move 5000 kilometers away from home.

From the teenager who talked back, was disrespectful and hurtful to the woman who eventually realized that improving her relationship with her mom was only possible if she allowed herself to heal the traumas she experienced as a child, it has been quite the journey.

Learning they both had ADHD explained a lot about the tumultuous and fraught relationship they had for decades.

She thought that sharing what her relationship with her mother has been would serve other women with ADHD looking to mend the heart of the wounded little girl they once were.

Words have the power to heal, Zarina believes it deep within her soul and if you are a daughter seeking answers and understanding and it's no coïncidence that she chose Mothers Day to release this episode.

By allowing herself to be vulnerable and share her story, she hopes it will serve women with ADHD who wish to heal their mother-daughter relationship, or at least, feel less guilty and shameful, like she once did.

Questions? Email me at [email protected]

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Download the first chapter of my book A-Bun-Dance 4 Your Finance: Growing Interest About Money Even if you Have ADHD: https://www.zarinaboily.com/a-bun-dance-4-your-finance

Order your signed copy: https://www.zarinaboily.com/a-bun-dance-4-your-finance

Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance https://www.caddra.ca/